Floyd is a bluebird, your regular every bird. He’s nothing special, or at least he seems so on the surface. He normally hangs out with Darryl and discusses whatever’s on his mind. He’s fairly laid back, and his feathers don’t get ruffled easily.

Darryl is a cardinal. He’s married to Edna, another cardinal. They have had several children together, some of which appear from time to time in the strip. They also adopted a bluejay as well as a tufted titmouse a while ago. Darryl himself is fairly happy-go-lucky, though the stress of family life and parenthood sometimes gets to him. He enjoys talking through his troubles with Floyd. He does love his wife Edna very much, though they don’t always see eye to eye. He is sometimes immature, but normally tries to be adult when necessary. He is the only character that actually knows he’s in a comic strip.

Josh is a black-capped chickadee. His cap is actually removable and is made of high-carbon surgical stainless steel. Josh is young and impetuous, but quite lovable. He is quite the artist and sculptor and is always making modifications to his nest. He is always having creative ideas, some for making new sculptures, some for creating new inventions, some for keeping warm in the winter, some for improving his nest. He enjoys hanging out with Lewis, though it can often have a negative effect on him.

Lewis, the crow, is always very depressed and down on himself. He is overly pessimistic and often makes others sad just by being around him. He is very artistic and poetic, however, and tries to see the beauty in the world around him. He is also very intelligent. He can actually read human writing, though only in English at this point. He is also a great mimic, and can speak English quite well, to the surprise and shock of any human he comes across.

A hummingbird, Tina is quite hyper and is always fwipping from place to place, even while talking with her friends. Tina was actually raised by rabbits, which was an interesting experience for her. She has recently adopted a rabbit of her own, though she is not sure what she will do with it during the winter migration. She often tries to make Lewis feel better, as she is quite happy herself and wants others around her to be happy as well.

Jim and Terry
Jim and Terry are mockingbirds. They both like to complain and be sarcastic. Jim is normally quiet and keeps his words to himself, except when he sees a need to speak up, normally to deride Terry. Terry isn’t too bright, though he is always thinking. He thus comes up with quite a few interesting, though not intelligent, ideas. They normally keep to themselves and don’t associate with the other birds. They do often comment on the other birds’ behavior, however.

Edna is married to Darryl. They are your average married couple. Edna is colorblind, which led to their adoption of the titmouse and bluejay. They love all their children very much, however, biological or not. Edna is very protective and loving towards her children. She cares very much for their nutrition. She doesn’t talk much about how she feeds them. She can be a bit high-strung at times, and slightly paranoid.

Josh’s grandfather, who he refers to only as Gramps. He is old, crotchety, grumpy, and does not care what others think. He will always speak his mind. He is most often around his grandson, Josh, though he sometimes will talk with the other birds. While Josh’s cap is removable, it is still uncertain whether Gramps’ is, or what material it’s made of. He loves sunflower seeds.

Darryl and Edna's adopted bluejay. Clarence is an introvert, and is quiet, and has many questions about his place in the world. He spends most of his time alone, but when he isn't, he spends it with Lewis, asking questions that Lewis tries his best to answer. Because of this, they both have much the same speech pattern. He enjoys creating art, so he's become well acquainted with Josh as well.

No one really knows where Exotic came from. It claims to be from the island of Combrobway, off the coast of Brazil, and to have royal parentage (its mother was a Victoria Crowned pigeon, its father was a kingfisher, and its grandfather was an emperor penguin). It claims that all of its species live in one tree, and one day it ventured away from that tree, got lost, and finally ended up in America. None of these claims have been substantiated. It is of uncertain gender, as no one has ever taken the time to check. When it first arrived, it tended to pop in and out of places, though now it has gotten tired of doing that and likes to stick around.

A group of worms that the birds happen to come across. Come around from time to time. Always afraid they will be eaten and find many ways to avoid such. At one point, they gift a worm decorated bird bath to Gramps.

Baby Cardinals
Darryl and Edna’s kids. Stay in the nest and get fed by Edna mainly. Do not yet know how to fly. Cute and adorable.
A tree. Thinks for itself. Has quite deep thoughts, as it doesn’t have much else to do all day but think. Can communicate telepathically with other trees.

Actually the First Robin of Spring, but named Robin. Likes to work out with the Groundhog when to arrive for the beginning of Spring. Name is often gotten wrong. Gender as yet unknown.

Tina’s adopted “child.” Can climb trees. Has not yet learned to fly, or even to hover. Speaks very good hummingbird, however.

A couple of owls who live in the area. Only come out at night. Only their eyes have been seen.

A bug, hunted mainly by Darryl. A fairly good singer, and very jovial.

A kid who lives in the house with the people. Interested in birds, but slightly confused by them.